Friday 10 December 2010

Private Roderick Alphonsis McIntyre

Born on 27 May 1896 in Dorchester, Middlesex, Ontario - son of Daniel McIntyre, RR #1 Dorchester, Ontario - at the time of his enlistment in 1916: present address same as father; trade as farmer; single; no current or previous military service; Roman Catholic; height of 5 feet 5.75 inches; chest of 35.5 inches fully expanded; dark complexion; blue eyes; dark brown hair.

Joined the No.2 Overseas Army Service Corps Training Depot, CEF, in London, Ontario, on 20 November 1916 (number 513263) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion, CEF, on 11 July 1917 - wounded on 2 or 3 September 1918 - invalided to England on 6 September 1918.

(sources: Library and Archives Canada (, online attestation papers; Canadian War Museum, 19740281-001, Manu 58F 2 3, 207th Canadian Infantry Battalion and 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion, Nominal Roll; The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa Regimental Museum, A400-0007, Master Personnel List for the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force)


Jerome McIntyre said...

Hello Ken.
Roderick Alphonsis McIntyre was my gr gr uncle and I have a significant amount of information on him including letters that he wrote during the war. Is there a way I could contact you to pass on this info?

Ken said...

Hi Jerome,

Thanks for the message. I'd be greatly interested in the documentation you have on your great-great uncle. Please e-mail direct at and we'll figure out a way to get the material to me.

Thanks again,
