Wednesday 15 August 2007

Private Charles Munnis Cameron

Born on 16 May 1893 in Halifax, Nova Scotia - next of kin listed as C.S. Cameron, Sydney, Nova Scotia - enlistment records provide the following: trade as student, single, no current military service, previously served two years as a Sergeant with the McGill Contingent COTC, Presbyterian, height of 5 feet 7.7 inches, chest of 33.9 inches fully expanded, medium complexion, brown eyes, dark brown hair.

Joined the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Montreal, Quebec, on 9 March 1915 (number 410956) - taken on the strength of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry on 16 July 1915 - transferred to the British Army on 8 November 1915 in order to be commissioned.

Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Douglas Cameron, DSO, MC

Born on 19 April 1891 in Shanghai, China - son of Mrs. L.B. Cameron, Kent, England - enlistment records provide the following: trade as an officer in the Canadian "Permanent Force", single, currently a member of the "Permanent Force" Active Militia, no previous military service, Church of England, height of 5 feet 11.5 inches, chest of 39 inches fully expanded, ruddy complexion, blue eyes, red hair, tattoo marks on both forearms, regimental crest of L.S.H. (R.C.). on left forearm.

Joined the Lord Strathcona's Horse in Plymouth, England, on 16 October 1914 - attached to the 6th Canadian Infantry Brigade on 19 August 1915 - attached to the 9th Canadian Infantry Brigade as a Staff Captain on 29 January 1916 - attached to the CAC[?] Headquarters as a General Staff Officer 3 on 2 September 1916 - served as Commandant of the Canadian Corps School from 21 November 1916 to 3 March 1918 - wounded on 24 May 1917 - invalided to England on 28 May 1917 - served as Commandant of the Canadian Training School from 4 March to 24 October 1918 - transferred to the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 24 October 1918 - appointed commanding officer of the 38th Battalion on 26 October 1918 - struck off the strength of the 38th Battalion on 1 May 1919.

Awarded the Distinguished Service Order - official citation: "Awarded on the occasion of His Majesty's Birthday; 1919. No citation." - unit recommendation dated 6 January 1919: "For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during operations at Valenciennes."

Awarded the Military Cross.

Mentioned in Despatches on 1 June 1917 (London Gazette Nr. 30107).

Mentioned in Despatches on 28 December 1917 (London Gazette Nr. 30448).

Mentioned in Despatches on 29 March 1919.

Mentioned in Despatches on 8 July 1919 (London Gazette Nr. 31448) - no citation - unit recommendation undated, no textual description of reason for recommendation.

Private Richard Calvank

Born on 4 October 1892 in Vankleek Hill, Ontario - son of Angus Calvank, Vankleek Hill, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: present address in Vankleek Hill, Ontario, trade as labourer, single, no current or previous military service, Church of England, height of 5 feet 8.5 inches, chest of 36 inches fully expanded, dark complexion, blue eyes, black hair.

Joined the 154th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Alexandria, Ontario, on 31 January 1916 (number 633374) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 24 May 1917 - killed in action on 30 October 1917 - buried in Tyne Cot Cemetery (grave XXXIX.A.13), Belgium.

Private William Charles Callingham

Born on 4 June 1883 in London, England - brother of Mrs. Ada (?)hall, St. Thomas, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: trade as boiler erector, single, no current military service, previously served three years in the Canadian Militia, Church of England, height of 5 feet 7.75 inches, chest of 36 inches fully expanded, dark complexion, blue eyes, dark hair.

Joined the 74th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Toronto, Ontario, on 27 July 1915 (number 135678) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion on 5 or 6 October 1916 - died on 4 November 1916 of wounds received that day - buried in Albert Communal Cemetery Extension (grave I.Q.40), France.

Private Joseph Patrick Callery

Born on 30 June 1897 in Madoc, Ontario - son of Barney Callery, Delora, Ontario - recruitment records provide the following: present address in Delora, Ontario, single, Roman Catholic, trade as chauffeur, no current or previous military service, height of 5 feet 8.5 inches, chest of 39 inches fully expanded, dark complexion, blue eyes, black hair.

Conscripted into the 1st Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment, in Kingston, Ontario, on 3 January 1918 (number 3055156) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 9 or 10 August 1918 - wounded on 2 October 1918 - invalided to England on 7 October 1918.

Private Victor Edward Callahan

(no record of his service number or name found to date).

Joined the 109th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 15 January 1916 (number 725164) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 4 or 6 December 1916 - wounded on 22 May 1917 - rejoined the 38th Battalion on 24 June 1917 - captured and made a prisoner of war on 10 August 1918 - repatriated on 1 December 1918.

Private John Callaghan

Born on 16 June 1882 in Kenmore, Ireland - brother of William Callaghan, Ottawa, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: trade as paving, single, joined the Governor General's Foot Guards on 29 December 1914, no previous military service, Roman Catholic, height of 5 feet 6 inches, chest of 37 inches fully expanded, fresh complexion, blue eyes, dark and slightly grey hair.

Joined the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Ottawa, Ontario, on 1 March 1915 (number 410244) - served with the 38th Battalion during its period of garrison duty in Bermuda - struck off the strength of the 38th Battalion on 13 August 1916 - rejoined the 38th Battalion on 29 November 1916 - invalided sick to England on 13 February 1917 - transferred to the Canadian Engineers on 4 April 1918.

Tuesday 14 August 2007

Private Thomas Brydon Caldwell

Born on 17 July 1878 in Hawich, Scotland - husband of Isabella Caldwell, Ottawa, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: trade as labourer, married with eight children (girls 16, 12, 7, 4, and 1, boys 11, 9, and 2), no current military service, previously served three years with the King's Own Scottish Borderers, Presbyterian, height of 5 feet 5 inches, chest of 36 inches fully expanded, ruddy complexion, brown eyes, iron grey hair.

Joined the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Barriefield, Ontario, on 15 May 1915 (number 410046) - served with the 38th Battalion during its period of garrison duty in Bermuda - landed in France on 13 August 1916 - transferred to the 4th Divisional Employment Company on 11 May 1917.

Private William McClure Calder

Born on 6 October 1896 in Lachute, Quebec - son of George F. Calder and Jemima C. Rodger, Lachute, Quebec - enlistment records provide the following: present address in Lachute, Quebec, trade as gentleman, Baptist, previously served with the 17th Hussars.

Joined the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 6 April 1915 (number 411031) - transferred to Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry on 17 July 1915 - [returned to Canada] - joined the 242nd Canadian Infantry Battalion in Montreal, Quebec, on 16 September 1916 - sailed to Britain with the 242nd Battalion as a Lieutenant - transferred to the Canadian Forestry Corps as a Quartermaster and Honorary Captain on 4 February 1917 - killed in an accident on 1 November 1918 - buried in Champagnole Communal Cemetery (grave B.4), France.

Private Herbert Victor Calberry

Conscripted into the 1st Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment, on 7 January 1918 (number 4020529) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 9 or 10 August 1918 - killed in action on 29 September 1918 - buried in Bourlon Wood Cemetery (grave II.A.16), France.

Monday 13 August 2007

Lance-Corporal John Cairns

Conscripted into the 1st Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment, on 3 January 1918 (number 3055154) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 26 or 27 September 1918 - struck off the strength of the 38th Battalion on 16 June 1919.

Private James Joseph Cahill

Born on 5 March 1877 in Paris, Ontario - son of James and Nancy Cahill, Paris, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: present address same as his father, trade as teamster, single, currently a member of the 38th Dufferin Rifles, no previous military service, Roman Catholic, height of 4 feet 10.5 inches, chest of 34.5 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, grey eyes, brown hair.

Joined the 215th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Brantford, Ontario, on 19 April 1916 (number 270191) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 27 or 28 March 1918 - died on 24 April 1918 of wounds received that day - buried in Aubigny Communal Cemetery Extension (grave III.A.9), France.

Corporal George Frank Cahill

Born on 31 December 1895 in Toronto, Ontario - son of Margaret Cahill, Toronto, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: present address same as mother, trade as labourer, single, no current or previous military service, Roman Catholic, height of 5 feet 7 inches, chest of 34 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, brown eyes, dark brown hair.

Joined the 166th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Toronto, Ontario, on 24 January 1916 (number 669060) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 27 November or 1 December 1916 - wounded on 26 June 1917 - rejoined the 38th Battalion on 3 July 1917 - invalided sick to England on 12 April 1918.

Acting-Corporal Owen Charles Cadieux

Born on 4 January 1894 in Quyou, Quebec - son of Isaac Cadieux, Quyou, Quebec - enlistment records provide the following: present address in Quyou, Quebec, trade as conductor, single, no current or previous military service, Roman Catholic, height of 5 feet 8 inches, chest of 38 inches fully expanded, dark complexion, blue eyes, dark brown hair.

Joined the 109th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Lindsay, Ontario, on 15 January 1916 (number 724156) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 4 or 6 December 1916 - wounded on 9 April 1917 - invalided to England on 14 April 1917 - later served with the Canadian Army Medical Corps.

Private Edward Cabana

Born on 18 June 1894 in Hull, Quebec - son of Mrs. Celina Cabana, Hull, Quebec - enlistment records provide the following: trade as labourer, single, no current or previous military service, Roman Catholic, height of 5 feet 7.25 inches, chest of 36.25 inches fully expanded, medium complexion, gray eyes, brown hair.

Joined the 156th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Ottawa, Ontario, on 18 February 1916 (number 639657) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 24 May 1917 - struck off the strength to the 2nd Labour Battalion on 16 August 1917 - later served with the Canadian Forestry Corps.

Captain Thomas Henry Byrne

Born on 7 February 1880 in Ottawa, Ontario - next of kin listed as John T. Byrne, Ottawa, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: trade as civil engineer, single, currently a member of the militia, graduated from the Royal Military College of Canada, previously served two weeks with the brigade staff at Laprairie Camp, Wesleyan, height of 5 feet 6.5 inches, chest of 36 inches fully expanded, dark complexion, brown eyes, black hair.

Joined the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Ottawa, Ontario, on 24 March 1915 - served with the 38th Battalion during its period of garrison duty in Bermuda - landed in France on 13 August 1916 - wounded on 18 November 1916 - invalided to England on 29 November 1916.

Private Charles Benjamin Buxton

Born on 8 December 1893 in Capt Traverse, Prince Edward Island - son of George and Mary Jane Buxton, Cape Traverse, Prince Edward Island - enlistment records provide the following: trade as school inspector, single, no current military service, previously served three years in the 82nd Regiment and two years in the PWC[?] Cadet Corps, Wesleyan, height of 5 feet 7.1 inches, chest of 36.1 inches fully expanded, medium complexion, blue eyes, brown hair.

Joined the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Montreal, Quebec, on 10 April 1915 (number 411113) - taken on the strength of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry on 16 July 1915 - declared missing in action on 4 June 1916 - name listed on the Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial (panel 10), Belgium.

Private Herbert George Button

Born on 13 October 1886 in Bristol, Somerset, England - brother of Mrs. W.J. Locke, London, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: present address in Union, Ontario, trade as labourer, single, no current or previous military service, Methodist, height of 5 feet 4 or 7 inches, chest of 38 inches fully expanded, dark complexion, grey eyes, brown hair.

Joined the 91st Canadian Infantry Battalion in St. Thomas, Ontario, on 22 March 1916 (number 190187) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 20 or 21 August 1916 - struck off the strength of the 38th Battalion on 16 June 1919.

Private John Butterworth

Born on 30 September 1879 in Oldham, Lancashire, England - husband of Louisa Butterworth, Shakespeare, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: present address same as wife, trade as farmer, married, no current or previous military service, Church of England, height of 5 feet 8 inches, chest of 39 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, blue eyes, dark brown hair.

Joined the 110th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Stratford, Ontario, on 25 January 1916 (number 727378) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 26 or 27 June 1917 - invalided sick to England on 9 January 1919.

Corporal George Watt Butterworth

Born on 25 December 1897 in Brantford, Ontario - son of Mrs. Henry Butterworth, Brantford, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: present address same as mother, trade as clerk, single, no current military service, previously served for 3.5 years with the B.C.I. [?], Church of England, height of 5 feet 7 inches, chest of 36.5 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, blue eyes, light hair.

Joined the 125th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Brantford, Ontario, on 27 December 1915 (number 772506) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 27 or 28 March 1918 - invalided sick to England on 20 June 1918.

Corporal Robert Walthen Butler

Born on 16 January 1888 in Romford, Essex, England - next of kin listed as Mrs. E. Butler, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan - enlistment records provide the following: trade as student, single, no current military service, previously served in the Westmount Rifles, Church of England, height of 5 feet 5.2 inches, chest of 34.1 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, brown eyes, brown hair.

Joined the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Montreal, Quebec, on 27 February 1915 (number 410919) - taken on the strength of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry on 16 July 1915 - wounded on 2 or 3 June 1916 - wounded on 30 October or 1 November 1917.

Friday 10 August 2007

Private Clement Samuel Butler

Born on 25 June 1894 in London, England - son of Mrs. Charlotte Butler, Ottawa, Ontario - enlistments records provide the following: present address same as mother, trade as labourer (1915) / clerk (1919), single, joined the Governor General's Foot Guards on 27 January 1915, no previous military service, Church of England, height of 5 feet 5.75 inches, chest of 36.5 inches (1915) / 38 inches (1919) fully expanded, fresh (1915) / fair (1919) complexion, blue eyes, fair hair.

Joined the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Ottawa, Ontario, on 2 March 1915 (number 410341) - taken on the strength of the 2nd Canadian Infantry Battalion on 25 August 1915 - wounded on 10 or 14 June 1916 - wounded on 11 July 1917 - wounded on 10 or 11 November 1917 - wounded on 9 or 10 August 1918 - joined the [???] in Ottawa, Ontario, on 19 May 1919.

Private James Christopher Burwell

Born on 5 July 1897 in Renfrew, Ontario - son of Mrs. Sarah Ann Burwell, Renfrew, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: present address in Renfrew, Ontario, trade as barber, single, no current or previous military service, Methodist, height of 5 feet 8.75 inches, weight of 155 pounds, chest of 37 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, blue eyes, fair hair.

Joined the 240th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Renfrew, Ontario, on 28 November 1916 (number 1042445) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 11 or 12 July 1917 - wounded on 2 September 1918 - invalided to England on 10 September 1918.

Private John Seton Burwash

Born on 12 October 1894 in Canada - son of Mrs. Ethel Burwash, Arnprior, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: trade as lumber culler, single, no current military service, previously served for two years with the Boy Scouts in Arnprior, Church of England, height of 5 feet 7 inches, chest of 33.5 inches fully expanded, healthy complexion, hazel eyes, brown hair.

Joined the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Ottawa, Ontario, on 24 February 1915 (number 410242) - taken on the strength of the 2nd Canadian Infantry Battalion on 25 August 1915.

Private Joseph Burton

Born on 21 July 1874 in Wakefield, Quebec - father of Mary Burton, Montreal, Quebec - brother of Louis Burton, Ste Cecile de Masham, Quebec - enlistment records provide the following: trade as labourer, married with two children (twenty-one and eighteen), no current or previous military service, Roman Catholic, height of 5 feet 7.5 inches, chest of 36 inches fully expanded, swarthy complexion, brown eyes, black hair.

Joined the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Ottawa, Ontario, on 1 March 1915 (number 410243) - served with the battalion during its period of garrison duty in Bermuda - landed in France on 13 August 1916 - struck off the strength of the 38th Battalion on 16 June 1919.

Private James Albert Burtch

Born on 6 April 1893 in Otterville, Oxford, Ontario - son of Mrs. Eleanor Burtch, St. Thomas, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: present address same as mother's, trade as labourer, single, no current military service, previously served ten [?] years with the 25th Regiment, Church of England, height of 5 feet 9.5 inches, chest of 37.5 inches fully expanded, dark complexion, grey eyes, dark brown hair.

Joined the 91st Canadian Infantry Battalion in St. Thomas, Ontario, on 27 November 1915 (number 189502) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 20 or 21 August 1916 - wounded on 18 November 1916 - rejoined the 38th Battalion on 6 December 1916 - invalided sick to England on 8 February 1918.

Private Howard Gordon Burtch

Born on 11 December 1896 in Kingston, Ontario - son of Mrs. Carrie Burtch, Kingston, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: present address in Kingston, Ontario, trade as clerk, single, no current military service, previously served two years with the Army Service Corps, Methodist, height of 5 feet 10 inches, chest of 34 inches fully expanded, light/medium complexion, brown eyes, brown hair.

Joined the 77th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Ottawa, Ontario, on 5 November 1915 (number 145325) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in England on 6 July 1916 - landed in France on 13 August 1916 - struck off the strength of the 38th Battalion on 16 June 1919.

Private John Burr

Born on 19 February 1877 in Aberdeenshire, Scotland - husband of Annie Burr, Renfrew, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: trade as section manager, railroader, married with three children (eleven, nine and five), no current or previous military service, Presbyterian, height of 5 feet 8.5 inches, chest of 36 inches fully expanded, ruddy complexion, grey eyes, iron grey hair.

Joined the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Ottawa, Ontario, on 19 March 1915 (number 410520) - taken on the strength of the 2nd Canadian Infantry Battalion on 25 August 1915 - killed in action on 13 October 1915 - buried in R.E. Farm Cemetery (grave III.C.12), Belgium.

Private John Graydon Burr

Born on 3 April 1896 in Port Perry, Ontario - son of John Burr, Port Perry, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: present address in Trenton, Ontario, trade as teamster, single, no current or previous military service, Methodist, height of 5 feet 5 inches, chest of 35 inches fully expanded, dark complexion, grey eyes, dark brown hair.

Joined the 254th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Trenton, Ontario, on 11 January 1917 (number 1093235) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 11 April 1918 - wounded on 1 October 1918 - invalided to England on 3 October 1918.

Thursday 9 August 2007

Lieutenant Frank Henry Burr

Born on 21 May 1878 in Columbus, Ohio - son of Chas. B. Burr, Cleveland, Ohio - recruitment forms provide the following: present address in Winnipeg, Manitoba, trade as salesman, Christian Science, currently a member of the 106th Winnipeg Light Infantry, previously served four years with the 14th Ohio National Guard and with the 17th U.S. Infantry in Cuba during the 1898 Spanish-American War.

Joined the 212th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on 15 February 1916 - transferred to the 97th Canadian Infantry Battalion as a captain on 16 September 1916 - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion as a lieutenant on 25 April 1917 - wounded on 30 October 1917 - invalided to England on 2 November 1917.

Private William Burns

Born on 4 December 1891 in Ottawa, Ontario - son of Mrs. Annie Burns, Ottawa, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: trade as teamster, single, currently a member of the 43rd Regiment, no previous military service, Roman Catholic, height of 5 feet 7 inches, chest of 36.5 inches fully expanded, ruddy complexion, blue eyes, brown hair.

Joined the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Ottawa, Ontario, on 12 April 1915 (number 410044) - served with the 38th Battalion during its period of garrison duty in Bermuda - struck off the strength of the 38th Battalion on 13 August 1916 - rejoined the 38th Battalion on 6 October 1916 - wounded on 18 or 21 November 1916 - rejoined the 38th Battalion on 6 December 1916 - invalided sick to England on 5 October 1918.

Private Walter Patrick Burns

Born on 20 June 1893 in Aldershot, England - next of kin listed as Miss Mary Jane Gunville, Ottawa, Ontario - brother of Sergeant Charles Burns, Welch Fusiliers - enlistment records provide the following: trade as teamster, single, currently a member of the Home Guard, no previous military service, Roman Catholic, height of 5 feet 4.25 inches, weight of 105 pounds, chest of 33.5 inches fully expanded, medium complexion, grey eyes, brown hair.

Joined the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Barriefield, Ontario, on 28 May 1915 (number 410462) - served with the 38th Battalion during its period of garrison duty in Bermuda - landed in France on 13 August 1916 - invalided sick to England on 11 December 1916 - rejoined the 38th Battalion on 5 July 1917 - transferred to the Canadian Labour Pool on 8 June 1918.

Private Owen Eugene Burns

Born on 21 September 1893 in Toronto, Ontario - brother of Mrs. K. Rierdan, Toronto, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: present address in Toronto, Ontario, trade as trunk maker, single, no current or previous military service, Roman Catholic, height of 5 feet 9 inches, chest of 37 inches fully expanded, fresh complexion, grey eyes, light brown hair.

Joined the 77th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Rockcliffe Camp, Ottawa, Ontario, on 2 November 1915 (number 145319) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in England on 6 July 1916 - landed in France with the 38th Battalion on 13 August 1916 - struck off the strength of the 38th Battalion on 16 June 1919.

Lance-Corporal Joseph Burns

Born on 15 August 1890 in Watertown, New York - son of Allan Burns, Detroit, Michigan - enlistment forms provide the following: present address in Detroit, Michigan, trade as fireman, single, no current military service, previously served four years in the United States Navy, Roman Catholic, height of 5 feet 5 inches, chest of 40 inches fully expanded, ruddy complexion, hazel eyes, light brown hair.

Joined the 97th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Windsor, Ontario, on 1 March 1916 (number 208058) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in France on 10 or 11 November 1917 - wounded on 26 March 1918 - invalided to England on 28 March 1918 - rejoined the 38th Battalion on 27 September 1918 - struck off the strength of the 38th Battalion on 18 January 1919.

Private William Arthur Burnett

Born on 3 May 1897 in Odessa, Ontario - son of Herbert Burnett, Odessa, Ontario - recruitment forms provide the following: present address in Odessa, Ontario, single, Free Methodist, trade as miller, no current or previous military service, height of 5 feet 6 inches, chest of 34.5 inches fully expanded, dark complexion, brown eyes, black hair.

Conscripted into the 1st Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment, in Barriefield, Ontario, on 6 May 1918 (number 3058233) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 10 or 11 October 1918 - struck off the strength of the 38th Battalion on 16 June 1919.

Private Charles Edward Burnett

Born on 8 April 1897 in Hastings County, Ontario - son of Joseph Nelson and Minnie May Burnett, Fort Stewart (or Parry Sound), Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: present address in Fort Stewart, Ontario, trade as labourer, single, no current or previous military service, Methodist, height of 5 feet 6.25 inches, chest of 34.5 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, hazel eyes, brown hair.

Joined the 155th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Bancroft, Ontario, on 21 February 1916 (number 636674) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 24 May 1917 - killed in action on 30 October 1917 - name listed on the Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial (panel 10-18-26-28), Belgium.

Private Budd Burnell

Born on 24 July 1897 in Toronto, Ontario - son of Maude Burnell - at the time of his enlistment in 1915: trade as carpenter, single, no current military service, previously served with the Mississauga Horse for three weeks, Presbyterian, height of 5 feet 4 inches, chest of 34 inches fully expanded, medium complexion, grey eyes, light hair.

Joined the 77th Battalion, CEF, in Smiths Falls, Ontario, on 24 July 1915 (number 144593) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion, CEF, in Bermuda on 6 December 1915 - struck off the strength of the 38th Battalion on 8 June 1916.

(sources: Library and Archives Canada (, online attestation papers; Canadian War Museum, 19740281-001, Manu 58F 2 3, 207th Canadian Infantry Battalion and 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion, Nominal Roll; The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa Regimental Museum, A400-0007, Master Personnel List for the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force; Anonymous, An Historical Sketch of the Seventy-Seventh Battalion Canadian Expeditionary Force (Ottawa: War Publications Limited, 1926), p.178)

Private Herbert Laurence Burmester

Born on 8 October 1877 in Surrey, England - husband of Isobel Burmester, Ottawa, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: present address in Ottawa, Ontario, trade as clerk, married, no current military service, previously served 2.5 years with Band[?] Rifles South Africa, Church of England, height of 5 feet 8.75 inches, chest of 36 inches fully expanded, medium complexion, blue eyes, brown hair.

Joined the 207th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Ottawa, Ontario, on 17 May 1916 (number 246311) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 26 or 27 September 1917 - wounded on 30 October 1917 - invalided to England on 16 November 1917.

Corporal Edward Burman

Born on 9 November 1884 in Wiltshire, London, England - son of Mary Wears Burman, Wiltshire, England - enlistment records provide the following: present address in Regina, Saskatchewan, trade as clerk, single, no current or previous military service, Church of England, height of 6 feet 1 inch, chest of 39 inches fully expanded, medium complexion, brown eyes, light brown hair.

Joined the 53rd Canadian Infantry Battalion in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on 2 February 1916 (number 523585) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in England on 5 July 1916 - transferred to the Canadian Army Medical Corps and attached to the 38th Battalion on 13 August 1916 - landed in France with the 38th Battalion on 13 August 1916 - ceased attachment to the 38th Battalion on 1 August 1918.

Captain George Harold Burland, MC

Born on 6 July 1896 in Montreal, Quebec - son of George Hope Burland, Ottawa, Ontario - enlistment forms provide the following: present address in Ottawa, Ontario, trade as civil servant, single, (March 1916) no current or previous military service / (September 1916) currently serving with the 43rd Regiment and previously served one year in the McGill COTC, Methodist, height of 5 feet 10 inches, chest of 35 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, brown eyes, light brown hair.

Joined the 207th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Ottawa, Ontario, on 20 March 1916 (number 246063) - [then what?] - reenlisted in the 207th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Ottawa, Ontario, as a lieutenant on 28 September 1916 - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion as a captain on 23 November 1917 - wounded on 26 April 1918 - rejoined the 38th Battalion on 13 May 1918 - wounded (at duty) on 28 or 29 September 1918.

Awarded the Military Cross - official citation: "For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. This officer, in command of a raiding party, came against untouched wire and were exposed to heavy fire, which killed a N.C.O. and wounded him and two men. He, however, forced his way through the wire, being the first to reach the trench, driving one of the enemy into a dug-out, which was blown up. He continued to act with the utmost vigour, checking his party out of the trench and seeing that a wounded man was carried back to safety." - unit recommendation dated 29 April 1918: "This Officer performed very valuable work whilst in command of a section of a raiding party 26-4-18. Although wounded, he continued to lead his men and was the first man to reach the enemy trench. He later assisted in carrying in dead and wounded."

Appointed commanding officer of the 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa, on 15 May 1945 - relinquished commanding officer appointment on 15 June 1947 - died in 1978 - buried in Beechwood Cemetery, Ottawa, Ontario.

Wednesday 8 August 2007

Private John Burkinshaw

Born on 10 March 1891 in Barnsley, Yorkshire, England - son of Joel Burkinshaw, North Dorchester, England - enlistment records provide the following: present address in Shaunavon, Saskatchewan, trade as farmer, single, no current or previous military service, Methodist, height of 5 feet 4.5 inches, chest of 36 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, blue eyes, fair hair.

Joined the 128th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Shaunavon, Saskatchewan, on 6 January 1916 (number 252021) - transferred to the 209th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 16 February 1916 - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 26 or 27 June 1917 - struck off the strength of the 38th Battalion on 24 April 1919.

Private Thomas Burke

Joined the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 27 March 1915 (number 410571) - taken on the strength of the 2nd Canadian Infantry Battalion on 25 August 1915 - wounded on 5 or 6 December 1915 - died on 16 April 1916 of (those?) wounds - buried in Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery (grave VI.C.3), Belgium.

Captain Frank James Burke

Born on 25 September 1891 in Ottawa, Ontario - husband of Alice Donovan Burke, Ottawa, Ontario - son of D.P. Burke, Ottawa, Ontario - recruitment records provide the following: present address in Regina, Saskatchewan, trade as newspaper editor, Roman Catholic, currently a member of the 95th Saskatchewan Rifles.

Joined the 195th Canadian Infantry Battalion as a captain on 10 February 1916 - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion as a lieutenant on 15 June 1917 - wounded on 13 August 1917 - invalided to England on 20 August 1917 - rejoined the 38th Battalion on 20 May 1918 - promoted to acting-captain on 22 September 1918 - promoted to temporary captain on 30 September 1918 - died of sickness in France on 11 October 1918 - buried in Duisans British Cemetery (grave VII.B.61), France.

Private Leslie Carruth Burgess

Born on 1 December 1896 in Montreal, Quebec - next of kin listed as Jean Burgess, Westmount, Quebec - enlistment records provide the following: trade as student, single, currently serving in the McGill Contingent COTC since Oct 191[?], no previous military service, Presbyterian, height of 5 feet 9 inches, chest of 34.5 inches fully expanded, dark complexion, brown eyes, black hair.

Joined the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Montreal, Quebec, on 18 February 1915 (number 410907) - taken on the strength of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry on 16 July 1915 - wounded on 2 or 7 June 1916.

Private Albert Edward Burdett

Born on 6 April 1876 in London, England - husband of Daisy Burdett, Ottawa, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: trade as painter, married, joined the Governor General's Foot Guards on 30 January 1915, no previous military service, Church of England, height of 5 feet 6 inches, chest of 39 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, blue eyes, dark brown hair.

Joined the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Ottawa, Ontario, on 1 March 1915 (number 410242) - served with the 38th Battalion during its period of garrison duty in Bermuda - landed in France with the 38th Battalion on 13 August 1916 - transferred to the Labour Pool on 5 April 1918 - rejoined the 38th Battalion on 9 June 1918 - struck off the strength of the 38th Battalion on 5 May 1919.

Lance-Corporal George Albert Burchmore

Born on 5 August 1897 in Montreal, Quebec - son of Alfred Burchmore, Montreal, Quebec - enlistment records provide the following: trade as plumber, single, no current or previous military service, Church of England, height of 5 feet 3.5 inches, chest of 34.5 inches fully expanded, fresh complexion, brown eyes, brown hair.

Joined the 73rd Canadian Infantry Battalion in Montreal, Quebec, on 6 September 1915 (number 132245) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 5 or 6 October 1916 - wounded on 3 or 5 November 1916 - invalided to England on 11 November 1916 - transferred to the 4th Labour Battalion on 14 March 1917 - later served with the 14th Canadian Infantry Battalion - later promoted to corporal.

Private Peter John Burchell

Born on 27 November 1891 in Brighton, Sussex, England - brother of Mary White, Milford, Surrey, England - enlistment records provide the following: present address in Omemee, Ontario, trade as blacksmith, single, no current military service, previously served with the 45th Regiment for one year, Methodist, height of 5 feet 1.5 inches, chest of 37 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, hazel eyes, dark brown hair.

Joined the 109th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Lindsay, Ontario, on 15 December 1915 (number 725024) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 4 or 6 December 1916 - wounded on 28 June 1917 - invalided to England on 24 July 1917.

Thursday 2 August 2007

Private John William Burch

Born on 10 February 1888 in London, England - husband of Elizabeth Burch, Collingwood, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: present address in Collingwood, Ontario, trade as painter, married, no current or previous military service, Church of England, height of 5 feet 8.5 inches, chest of 38 inches fully expanded, medium fair complexion, blue eyes, light brown hair.

Joined the 157th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Collingwood, Ontario, on 27 December 1916 (number 642625) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in France on 8 or 9 April 1918 - captured and made a prisoner of war on 10 August 1918 - repatriated on 15 January 1919.

Private Robert Young Bunting

Born on 1 February 1882 in Darlington, England - husband of Mary Helen Bunting, Toronto, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: present address in Toronto, Ontario, trade as laborer, married, no current military service, previously served as a Private with the 5th Northumberland F. for six years, Salvation Army, height of 5 feet 6.25 inches, chest of 38 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, hazel eyes, light brown hair.

Joined the 166th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Toronto, Ontario, on 16 February 1916 (number 669783) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in France on 27 November or 1 December 1916 - transferred to the 4th Labour Battalion on 24 August 1917 - transferred to the 2nd Canadian Infantry Works Battalion on 31 March 1918.

Private Charles Harvey Bunn

Born on 6 June 1895 or 1896 in Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan - son of John Robinson Bunn, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan - enlistment records provide the following: trade as student, single, no current or previous military service, Presbyterian, height of 5 feet 10 inches, chest of 35 inches fully expanded, dark complexion, grey eyes, dark hair.

Joined the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, on 5 April 1915 (number 411102) - transferred to Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry on 17 July 1915 - wounded on 2 June 1916 - served with Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry for nineteen months - joined the 249th Canadian Infantry Battalion as a Lieutenant in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, on 28 November 1916.

Wednesday 1 August 2007

Private John Bullough

Born on 5 March 1882 in Lancashire, England - husband of Bertha Bullough, Toronto, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: present address in Toronto, Ontario, trade as machinist, married, no current or previous military service, Church of England, height of 5 feet 5.5 inches, chest of 36.5 inches fully expanded, medium complexion, grey eyes, brown hair.

Joined the 166th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Toronto, Ontario, on 15 May 1916 (number 670124) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in France on 27 November or 1 December 1916 - wounded on 9 April 1917 - invalided to England on 12 April 1917.

Acting-Sergeant Hubert Arthur Bullock

Born on 13 February 1899 in Brighton, Ontario - son of Eva P. Bullock, Brighton, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: present address in Brighton, Ontario, trade as clerk / chauffeur, single, no current or previous military service ("1 year Boy Scouts"), Church of England, height of 5 feet 7 inches, chest of 30 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, grey eyes, black hair.

Joined No. 2 Overseas A.S.C. Training Depot in Brighton, Ontario, on 28 November 1916 (number 2003532) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in France on 11 or 12 July 1917 - struck off the strength of the 38th Battalion on 6 August 1917.

Private Clifford Bullis

Born on 16 August 1897 in Ottawa, Ontario - son of Mrs. Clarence Bullis, Ashton Station, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: trade as laborer, single, no current or previous military service, Methodist, height of 5 feet 4.25 inches, chest of 34.5 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, blue eyes, auburn hair.

Joined the 146th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Ottawa, Ontario, on 14 January 1916 (number 835457) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in France on 24 May 1917 - struck off the strength of the 38th Battalion on 16 June 1919.

Sergeant William Thomas Bull

Born on 11 April 1891 in London, England - brother of Nellie Bull, London, England - enlistment records provide the following: trade as brakesman, single, no current or previous military service, Presbyterian, height of 5 feet 2.75 inches, chest of 38 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, blue eyes, dark brown hair.

Joined the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Lindsay, Ontario, on 11 May 1915 (number 410698) - served with the 38th Battalion during its period of garrison duty in Bermuda - landed in France with the 38th Battalion on 13 August 1916 - wounded on 30 October 1917 - invalided to England on 8 November 1917.

Captain Wilford Edward Bull

Born on 24 May 1890 in Winnipeg, Manitoba - next of kin listed as M. Bull, Winnipeg, Manitoba - enlistment records provide the following: trade as student, single, currently a member of the McGill Canadian Officers' Training Corps, no previous military service, Wesleyan, height of 5 feet 7.7 inches, chest of 37.8 inches, fair complexion, blue grey eyes, auburn hair.

Joined the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Montreal, Quebec, on 22 February 1915 (number 410914) - transferred to Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry in France on 17 July 1915 - transferred to the Canadian Engineers on 3 January 1916 - wounded on 23 February 1916 - seconded to the 2nd Canadian Engineer Brigade as Staff Captain from 2 June 1918 until demobilization - commissioned and promoted to Captain by the end of the war.

Awarded the Military Cross.