Sunday 24 January 2010

Corporal Howard Cecil Longley

Born on 9 March 1895 in St. Catharines, Ontario - son of Charlotte Longley, St. Catharines, Ontario - at the time of his enlistment in 1915: trade as clerk; single; no current military service; previously served with the 19th Regiment (three years); Methodist; height of 5 feet 7[?] inches; chest of 35 inches fully expanded; fair complexion; blue eyes; light brown hair.

Joined the 81st Battalion, CEF, in St. Catharines, Ontario, on 9 November 1915 (number 159651) - taken on the strength of the 18th Battalion, CEF, on 29 June 1916 - wounded on 17 September 1916 - transferred to the 38th Battalion, CEF, on 29 or 30 March 1918 - struck off the strength of the 38th Battalion on 16 June 1919.

(sources: Library and Archives Canada (, online attestation papers; Canadian War Museum, 19740281-001, Manu 58F 2 3, 207th Canadian Infantry Battalion and 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion, Nominal Roll; The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa Regimental Museum, A400-0007, Master Personnel List for the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force)

1 comment:

Naked Trewth said...

Thanks for posting this. This was one of my friends ancestors and we have been researching him, but are struggling a bit to follow his movements throughout the war. We should have paid better attention in history class! Pvt Longley travelled to either Southampton or Liverpool from Halifax in April 1916 aboard the SS Olympic. The injury he suffered in September was a GSW to the head. :)