Saturday 7 March 2009

Sergeant Jasper Forman, DCM, MM

Born on 9 March 1888 in Eldon Township, Victoria County, Ontario - husband of Lora Isabell Forman, Kirkfield, Ontario - at the time of his enlistment in 1916: present address same as wife, trade as farmer, married, no current or previous military service, Methodist, height of 5 feet 10 inches, chest of 38.5 inches fully expanded, dark complexion, brown and blue eyes, black hair.

Joined the 109th Battalion, CEF, in Woodville, Ontario, on 20 April 1916 (number 724247) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion, CEF, on 4 or 6 December 1916 - struck off the strength of the 38th Battalion on 16 June 1919.

Awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal - official citation: "For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. On 10th August, 1918, near Hallu, the battalion was suffering heavy casualties from our own artillery shooting short. This man placed himself on the highest ground in the vicinity and, exposed to enemy shelling and machine gun fire as well as to our own short shooting, he flagged a message back to battalion headquarters, persisting till acknowledged. Later in the day, he similarly succeeded in getting a message through, although owing to the severe machine gun fire he had to lie on his back to signal. His courage and initiative undoubtedly saved many lives." - unit recommendation dated 17 August 1918: "For good work during operations in vicinity of Hallu on 10th August."

Awarded the Bar to the Distinguished Conduct Medal - official citation: "For marked gallantry and devotion to duty during operations near Bourlon, from 27th September, 1918. During the advance on 27th he was in charge of the signallers attached to the two forward companies of the battalion. It was due to his work under heavy fire that headquarters was always in touch with the forward companies. He worked admirably." - unit recommendation dated 4 October 1918: "For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during operations in the vicinity of Bourlon 27th Sept 1918."

Awarded the Military Medal - no citation - unit recommendation undated (announced 17 September 1917): "For bravery in the Field."

Recommended for an unnamed foreign decoration on 8 October 1918 - no recommendation text - no award made.


M M Stoddart said...

Hi Ken,
Jasper Forman was my great uncle and was an exemplary man in every way.

His brother William Forman, my grandfather, also served during the war in the No. 2 Gen Hospital C.A.M.C.

Thank you so much for writing this.

Margaret Stoddart

Ken said...

Thank you very much for your comment on my blog. I particularly appreciate it when I know I've reached a family member.

Anonymous said...

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