Monday, 18 June 2007

Private Robert Brewer

Born on 2 March 1896 in Chippenham, Wilts, England - next of kin listed as Mrs. Robert Brewer, Chippenham, Wilts, England - enlistment records provide the following: trade as farmer, single, no current or previous military service, Presbyterian, height of 5 feet 4.5 inches, chest of 34 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, light brown eyes, medium hair.

Joined the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Prescott, Ontario, on 9 February 1915 (number 410036) - served with the 38th Battalion during its period of garrison duty in Bermuda - landed in France with the 38th Battalion on 13 August 1916 - struck off the strength of the 38th Battalion on 6 May 1919.

Private Benjamin Thomas Brewer

Born on 9 August 1880 in Bedford, England - husband of Annie Brewer, Lindsay, Ontario - enlistment forms provide the following: trade as electrical engineer, married, no current military service, previously served two months in the 45th Victoria Regiment, Church of England, height of 5 feet 7.5 inches, chest of 36 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, blue eyes, light brown hair.

Joined the 109th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Lindsay, Ontario, on 12 November 1915 (number 724535) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in France on 4 or 6 December 1916 - wounded on 9 or 12 April 1917 - invalided to England on 14 April 1917.

Private Aime Sydney Bruneau

Born on 25 June 1893 in Quebec, Quebec - next of kin listed as Rev. J.G. Bruneay, Cornwall, Ontario - attestation forms provide the following: trade as student, single, currently a member of the McGill [Canadian Officer's Training Corps] since 1914, no previous military service, Presbyterian, height of 5 feet 3 inches, chest of 34 inches fully expanded, dark complexion, brown eyes, dark brown hair.

Joined the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Montreal, Quebec, on 13 March 1915 (number 410962) - taken on the strength of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry in France on 16 July 1915.

Friday, 15 June 2007

Private Michael Joseph Brennan

Born on 9 February 1884 in Eardley, Quebec - son of Michael and Catherine Nash Brennan, Beechgrove, Quebec - recruitment forms provide the following: present address in Beechgrove, Quebec, single, Roman Catholic, trade as prospector (miner), no current or previous military service, height of 5 feet 8 inches, chest of 36 inches fully expanded, fresh complexion, blue eyes, brown hair.

Conscripted into the 2nd Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment, in Ottawa, Ontario, on 15 March 1918 (number 3320707) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion in France on 9 or 10 August 1918 - killed in action on 2 September 1918 - buried in Dury Mill British Cemetery (grave I.C.13), France.

Corporal Walter Breaw

Born on 15 October 1879 in Coboconk, Ontario - sone of Mary Jane Breaw, Coboconk, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: present address in Coboconk, Ontario, trade as cook, single, no current or previous military service, Presbyterian, height of 5 feet 4 inches, chest of 39 inches fully expanded, dark complexion, brown eyes, dark brown hair.

Joined the 109th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Lindsay, Ontario, on 25 April 1916 (number 724264) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion in France on 4 or 6 December 1916 - struck off the strength of the 38th Battalion on 16 June 1919.

Lance-Corporal Francis Edward Brazeau

Joined the 207th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 20 May 1915 (number 246336) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion in France on 26 or 27 September 1917 - wounded on 28 or 29 May 1918 - invalided to England on 3 June 1918.

Private Peter Bray

Born on 30 October 1896 in Sandringham, Ontario - son of Frank Bray, Sandringham, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: present address in Sandringham, Ontario, single, Roman Catholic, trade as farmer, no current or previous military service, height of 5 feet 4.5 inches, chest of 33 inches fully expanded, weight of 129 pounds, fair complexion, blue eyes, light brown hair.

Conscripted into the 1st Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment, in Kingston, Ontario, on 12 March 1918 (number 3057283) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion in France on 10 or 11 October 1918 - struck off the strength of the 38th Battalion on 16 June 1919.

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Private John Thomas Braunton

Born on 15 November 1887 in Lindsay, Ontario - husband of Mabell Elen Braunton, Lindsay, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: present address in Lindsay, Ontario, trade as painter, married, no current military service, previously served seven years in the 6th Devon Territorials, Baptist, height of 5 feet 4.5 inches, chest of 34 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, blue eyes, dark brown hair.

Joined the 109th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Lindsay, Ontario, on 8 February 1916 (number 725227) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion in France on 4 or 6 December 1916 - invalided sick to England on 11 June 1917.

Died on 13 March 1923.

Private George Brant

Born on 17 March 1898 in Deseronto, Ontario - son of Lizzie Brant, Deseronto, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: present address in Marysville, Ontario, trade as farmer, single, no current or previous military service, Roman Catholic, height of 5 feet 3.5 inches, chest of 36 inches fully expanded, dark complexion, brown eyes, dark brown hair.

Joined the 155th Canadian Infantry Battalion - served with the 155th Battalion for four months - joined the 207th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Kingston, Ontario, on 8 December 1916 (number 246784) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in France on 29 or 30 November 1917 - transferred to Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry on 7 December 1917 - wounded on 28 September 1918.

Private James Branney

Born on 20 May 1886 in Manchester, England - brother of Mrs. Emily Higham, Manchester, England - brother of John Branney, Manchester, England - enlistment records provide the following: trade as fur cutter, single, no current or previous military service, Church of England, height of 5 feet 4.5 inches, chest of 34 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, blue eyes, light brown hair.

Joined the 59th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Smiths Fall, Ontario, on 23 April 1915 - transferred to the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Barriefield, Ontario, on 24 July 1915 (number 410034) - served with the 38th Battalion during its period of garrison duty in Bermuda - landed in France with the 38th Battalion on 13 August 1916 - struck off the strength of the 38th Battalion on 30 May 1919.

Private Melvin Brandow

Born on 22 September 1893 in North Walsingham, [???] - son of Charlie Brandow, Carholme, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: present address in Carholme, Ontario, trade as farmer, single, currently a member of the 39th Regiment, no previous military service, Methodist, height of 5 feet 6.25 inches, chest of 38.5 inches, fair complexion, blue eyes, auburn hair.

Joined the 215th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Simcoe, Ontario, on 23 November 1915 (number 797007) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion in France on 27 or 28 March 1918 - wounded on 1 September 1918 - invalided to England on 6 September 1918.

Private John Reginald Arthur Branch

Born on 24 June 1894 in St. John's, Antigua, British West Indies - next of kin listed as Venerable Archdeacon Branch, Antigua, British West Indies - enlistment records provide the following: trade as student, single, currently a private in the McGill Battalion [COTC?], no previous military service, Church of England, height of 5 feet 11.2 inches, chest of 37.5 inches fully expanded, dark complexion, blue eyes, dark brown hair.

Joined the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Montreal, Quebec, on 18 February 1915 (number 410906) - taken on the strength of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry in France on 16 July 1916 - transferred to the British army on 24 October 1916 in order to be commissioned.

Private Alfred William Branch

Born on 23 August 1888 in Brentford, Middlesex, England - husband of Mrs. Sarah E. Branch, Ottawa, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: trade as printer, married with two children (ages two and four years), currently a member of "E" Company, 43rd Duke of Cornwall's Own Rifles, no previous military service, Church of England, height of 5 feet 6.5 inches, chest of 34 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, brown eyes, light brown hair.

Joined the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Ottawa, Ontario, on 21 July 1915 (number 410033) - served with the 38th Battalion during its period of garrison duty in Bermuda - struck off the strength of the 38th Battalion in England on 13 August 1916 - later served with the Canadian Army Service Corps.

Acting-Corporal Harold Braithwaite

Born on 5 December 1894 in York County, [Ontario?] - son of Mrs. Gollan, Toronto, Ontario - enlistment records provide the following: present address in Toronto, Ontario, trade as driver, single, no current or previous military service, Methodist, height of 5 feet 5 inches, chest of 33.75 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, grey eyes, brown hair.

Joined the 126th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Toronto, Ontario, on 29 December 1915 (number 775006) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion in France on 4 or 6 December 1916 - wounded on 9 or 10 April 1917 - rejoined the 38th Battalion on 28 April 1917 - wounded on 26 June 1917 - rejoined the 38th Battalion on 27 June 1917 - wounded on 30 October 1917 - invalided to England on 6 November 1917 - later served with the 6th Reserve Battalion.

Corporal Wilfred Percy Braggins

Born in 1887 in Alderly Edge, Cheshire, England - son of Samuel Braggins, Alderly Edge, Cheshire, England - enlistment records provide the following: present address in RR #2 Holstein, Ontario, trade as farmer, single, no current or previous military service, Church of England, height of 5 feet 8.5 inches, chest of 39 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, blue eyes, auburn hair.

Joined the 147th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Owen Sound, Ontario, on 6 January 1916 (number 838600) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion in France on 26 or 27 June 1917 - wounded on 27 March 1918 - invalided to England on 4 April 1918.

Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Private Albert John Brady

Born on 28 March 1888 in Boston, Massachusetts - brother of James Brady, Quincy, Massachusetts - attestation form provides the following: present address in Montreal, Quebec, trade as shoemaker, single, no current or previous military service, Roman Catholic, height of 5 feet 7.5 inches, chest of 35.5 inches fully expanded, weight of 160 pounds, clear complexion, brown eyes, light brown hair.

Joined the 240th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Renfrew, Ontario, on 21 December 1916 (number 1042603) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in France on 11 or 12 July 1917 - wounded on 30 October 1917 - invalided to England on 2 November 1917.

Corporal Richard Alfred Bradshaw

Born on 22 September 1892 in Montreal, Quebec - husband of Mrs. Amy Bradshaw, Ottawa, Ontario (Herbert Bradshaw, YMCA Secretary's Office, Ottawa, Ontario, scratched out) - attestation form provides the following: trade as electrician, single (when did he marry?), no current or previous military service, Church of England, height of 5 feet 4.5 inches, chest of 35.5 inches fully expanded, healthy complexion, brown eyes, brown hair.

Joined the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Ottawa, Ontario, on 24 February 1915 (number 410031) - served with the 38th Battalion during its period of garrison duty in Bermuda - landed in France with the 38th Battalion on 13 August 1916 - wounded on 10 or 12 August 1918 - rejoined the 38th Battalion on 19 September 1918 - struck off the strength of the 38th Battalion on 16 June 1919.

Private Herbert James Bradshaw

Born on 14 June 1888 in Montreal, Quebec - brother of Hazel M. Bradshaw, Montreal, Quebec - attestation form provides the following: present address YMCA, Ottawa, Ontario, trade as YMCA secretary, single, no current or previous military service, Methodist, height of 5 feet 8 inches, chest of 35 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, blue eyes, brown hair.

Joined the 77th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Ottawa, Ontario, on 19 November 1915 (number 145439) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in England on 6 July 1916 - landed in France with the 38th Battalion on 13 August 1916 - wounded on 18 November 1916 - rejoined the 38th Battalion on 18 December 1916 - wounded on 10 August 1918 - rejoined the 38th Battalion on 19 September 1918 - killed in action on 29 September 1918 - buried in Bourlon Wood Cemetery (grave II.B.16), France.

Private John Henry Bradley, MM

Born on 19 March 1897 in Almonte, Ontario - son of Annie Bradley, Ramsayville, Ontario - attestation form provides the following: trade as teamster, single, no current or previous military service, Church of England, height of 5 feet 5.5 inches, chest of 35 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, blue eyes, fair hair.

Joined the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Barriefield, Ontario, on 27 May 1915 (number 410691) - served with the battalion during its period of garrison duty in Bermuda - landed in France with the battalion on 13 August 1916 - wounded on 9 April 1917 - rejoined the 38th Battalion on 30 April 1917 - struck off the strength of the 38th Battalion on 16 June 1919.

Awarded the Military Medal - no citation - unit recommendation dated 5 October 1918: "For Gallantry during the operations in the vicinity of Bourlon, 27th to 30th Sept 1918."

Lance-Corporal Clayton Adam Bradley

Born on 29 March 1889 in Carleton County, Ontario - son of Annie and the late Adam Bradley, North Gower, Ontario - attestation paper provides the following: trade as student, single, currently a member of the Guelph Officer Training Corps, no previous military service, Church of England, height of 5 feet 11.5 inches, chest of 36 inches fully expanded, pale medium complexion, light blue eyes, dark hair.

Joined the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Guelph, Ontario, on 16 March 1915 (number 411004) - taken on the strength of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry in France on 16 July 1915 - killed in action on 2 June 1916 - buried in Sanctuary Wood Cemetery (grave IV.F.37), Belgium.

Sunday, 10 June 2007

Company Quartermaster-Sergeant Benjamin Alexander Bradley

Born on 18 November 1894 in Eardley, Quebec - son of Benjamin Bradley, Westboro, Ontario - attestation form provides the following: trade as teamster, single, no current or previous military service, Church of England, height of 5 feet 6 inches, chest of 36 inches fully expanded, dark complexion, blue eyes, brown hair.

Joined the 59th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Ottawa, Ontario, on 27 May 1915 - transferred to the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Barriefield, Ontario, on 6 July 1915 (number 410690) - served with the 38th Battalion during its period of garrison duty in Bermuda - landed in France with the 38th Battalion on 13 August 1916 - wounded on 18 November 1916 - invalided to England on 24 November 1916 - rejoined the 38th Battalion on 11 November 1917 - struck off the strength of the 38th Battalion on 16 June 1919.

Sergeant William Cecil Rogers Bradford

Born on 2 December 1894 in Lachute, Quebec - next of kin listed as William H. Bradford, Lachute, Quebec - attestation form provides the following: student, single, currently a member of the 17th Duke of York Hussars, no previous military service, Methodist, height of 5 feet 5.8 inches, chest of 35.2 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, blue grey eyes, light brown hair.

Joined the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, on 8 March 1915 (number 410942) - taken on the strength of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry in France on 16 July 1915 - wounded on 27 August 1918.

Possibly awarded the Military Medal.

Private Edwin Bradford

Born on 6 October 1899 in Jasper, Ontario - son of Theopholas Bradford, Jasper, Ontario - attestation form provides the following: present address in Smiths Falls, Ontario, trade as liveryman, single, no current or previous military service, Methodist, height of 5 feet 8.5 inches, chest of 37 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, gray eyes, light hair.

Enlisted in (has the two-page attestation paper) the 1st Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment, in Kingston, Ontario, on 7 January 1918 (number 3055098) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in France on 10 or 11 October 1918 - struck off the strength of the 38th Battalion on 16 June 1919.

Private Thomas Joseph Bracken

Born on 19 March 1892 in Ireland - brother of Patrick Bracken, Westmount, Montreal, Quebec - attestation form provides the following: trade as chauffeur, single, currently a member of 2nd Battery, CFA, for one year, no previous military service, Roman Catholic, height of 5 feet 6.5 inches, chest of 35 inches fully expanded, swarthy complexion, blue eyes, brown hair.

Joined the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Ottawa, Ontario, on 25 February 1915 (number 410948) - served with the battalion during its period of garrison duty in Bermuda - landed in France with the 38th Battalion on 13 August 1916 - invalided sick to England on 15 April 1917.

Died in 1918 - buried in Notre Dame Cemetery, Montreal, Quebec.

Private Percy Hubert Boyle

Born on 25 January 1893 in Severn, Ontario - son of Mrs. P. Boyle, Clarksburg, Ontario - attestation form provides the following: present address in Meaford, Ontario, trade as teamster, single, currently serving with the 31st Regiment for three years, no previous military service, Church of England, height of 5 feet 6.75 inches, chest of 36.5 inches fully expanded, dark complexion, dark blue eyes, dark hair.

Joined the 147th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Meaford, Ontario, on 1 December 1915 (number 838679) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion in France on 26 or 27 June 1917 - wounded on 3 or 4 August 1917 - rejoined the 38th Battalion on 4 August 1917 - wounded on 27 or 28 September 1918 - invalided to England on 6 October 1918.

Private James Boyle

Born on 3 September 1887 in Belfast, Ireland - son of Isabella Boyle, Belfast, Ireland - attestation paper provides the following: present address in Toronto, Ontario, trade as iron moulder, single, no current or previous military service, Church of England, height of 5 feet 5.25 inches, chest of 35.5 inches fully expanded, dark complexion, blue eyes, dark hair.

Joined the 97th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Toronto, Ontario, on 11 December 1915 (number 207053) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion in France on 16 or 17 February 1917 - wounded on 9 April 1917 - invalided to England on 14 April 1917 - later served in the Canadian Forestry Corps.

Saturday, 9 June 2007

Private William Henry Boydell

Born on 26 April 1894 in Lancashire, England - son of Elizabeth Boydell, Hawkesbury, Ontario - attestation paper provides the following: present address in Hawkesbury, Ontario, trade as tester in a pulp mill, single, no current or previous military service, Church of England, height of 5 feet 3 inches, chest of 36 inches fully expanded, light complexion, blue eyes, light brown hair.

Joined the 77th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Ottawa, Ontario, on 7 December 1915 (number 145611) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in England on 6 July 1916 - landed in France with the 38th Battalion on 13 August 1916 - wounded on 18 November 1916 - invalided to England on 6 December 1916 - transferred to the Canadian Forestry Corps on 26 October 1917 - returned to Canada on 28 March 1919.

[also An Historical Sketch of the Seventy-Seventh Battalion Canadian Expeditionary Force (Ottawa: War Publications Limited, 1926]

Private Thomas Boydell

Born on 16 December 1896 (later crossed out and replaced with 1898) in Bolton, Lancashire, England - next of kin listed as Mr. Thomas Boydell, Hawkesbury PO, Ontario - attestation form provides the following: trade as labourer, single, no current or previous military service, Church of England, height of 5 feet 4 inches, chest of 35 inches fully expanded, ruddy complexion, blue eyes, brown hair.

Joined the 77th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Ottawa (Rockcliffe Camp), Ontario, on 23 August 1915 (number 144986) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in England on 6 July 1916 - landed in France with the 38th Battalion on 13 August 1916 - wounded on 5 September 1916 - rejoined the 38th Battalion on 18 October 1916 - wounded on 18 November 1916 - rejoined the 38th Battalion on 9 January 1917 - transferred to the Labour Pool on 9 January 1918 - rejoined the 38th Battalion on 28 March 1918 - wounded on 11 August 1918 - invalided to England on 16 August 1918 - returned to Canada on 20 February 1919.

[also An Historical Sketch of the Seventy-Seventh Battalion Canadian Expeditionary Force (Ottawa: War Publications Limited, 1926]

Private James Boyd

Born on 21 March 1893 in County Down, Ireland - son of Mrs. Maggie Boyd, Port William, Scotland - attestation form provides the following: present address in Meaford, Ontario, trade as farmer, single, no current or previous military service, Presbyterian, height of 5 feet 7 inches, chest of 39 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, blue eyes, fair hair.

Joined the 147th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Meaford, Ontario, on 31 January 1916 (number 838700) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in France on 26 or 27 June 1917 - transferred to the Canadian Machine Gun Corps on 13 May 1918 - wounded on 27 or 29 September 1918.

Sergeant Harry Houston Boyd

Born on 11 August 1890 in Merrickville, Ontario - son of Thomas Boyd, Iroquois, Ontario - attestation paper provides the following: present address in Kingston, Ontario, trade as bookkeeper, single, no current military service, previously served one year with 56th Rifles, Church of England, height of 5 feet 8 inches, chest of 36 inches fully expanded, dark complexion, brown eyes, black hair.

Joined the 3rd Divisional Ammunition Column in Kingston, Ontario, on 15 February 1917 (number 2043021) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in France on 11 or 12 July 1917 - transferred to the Canadian Army Pay Corps on 2 May 1918.

Private David Boyd

Born on 24 August 1881 in Ireland - husband of Mrs. Mary Boyd, Toronto, Ontario - attestation form provides the following: present address in Toronto, Ontario, trade as driver, married, no current or previous military service, Presbyterian, height of 5 feet 7.5 inches, chest of 36 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, brown eyes, brown hair.

Joined the 126th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Toronto, Ontario, on 14 January 1916 (number 775015) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion in France on 4 or 6 December 1916 - wounded on 9 or 10 April 1917 - invalided to England on 11 April 1917.

Friday, 8 June 2007

Private Thomas Boyce

Born on 29 July 1893 in Merrivale E, Cadeton, Ontario - son of Mrs. Nancy Boyce, Buckingham, Quebec - attestation form (1915) provides the following: trade as shantyman, single, no current or previous military service, Presbyterian, height of 5 feet 7 inches, chest of 36 inches fully expanded, ruddy complexion, blue eyes, brown hair.

Joined the 59th Canadian Infantry Battalion - transferred to the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Barriefield, Ontario, on 6 July 1915 (number 410689) - served with the battalion during its period of garrison duty in Bermuda - struck off the strength of the battalion on 27 May 1916 - enlisted in the Canadian Forestry Corps on 9 April 1917 (number 2350307).

Private Joshua Bowyer

Born on 21 November 1874 in Shropshire, England - husband of Mrs. F.A. Bowyer, Vancouver, British Columbia - attestation form provides the following: present address in Vancouver, British Columbia, trade as steam engineer, married with two children, currently a member of the 72nd Seaforth Highlanders of Canada for seven months, no previous military service, Methodist, height of 6 feet 1 inch, chest of 45.5 inches fully expanded, fresh complexion, blue eyes, dark brown hair.

Joined the 72nd Canadian Infantry Battalion in Vancouver, British Columbia, on 12 January 1916 (number 130184) - landed in France with the 72nd Battalion on 12 August 1916 - transferred to the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 1 or 2 May 1917 - rejoined the 72nd Battalion on 10 or 11 October 1917 - wounded on 21 or 24 August 1918.

Private Clarence Gilmour Bowles

Born on 23 April 1892 in Lindsay, Ontario - son of Mrs. Jane Bowles, Fort William, Ontario - attestation form provides the following: present address in Fort William, Ontario, trade as merchant, single, no current or previous military service, Methodist, height of 5 feet 3.5 inches, chest of 35 inches fully expanded, dark complexion, dark brown eyes, black hair.

Joined the 97th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Fort William, Ontario, on 9 June 1916 (number 261552) - taken on the strength of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion in France on 18 or 19 April 1917 - struck off the strength of the battalion on 11 April 1919.

Private Timothy Parden Bowler

Born on 31 October 1888 in London, England - next of kin listed as friend Mrs. Edith Redman, Peterborough, Ontario - recruitment form provides the following: present address in Peterborough, Ontario, single, Church of England, trade as farmer, no current or previous military service, height of 5 feet 3.5 inches, chest of 36 inches fully expanded, ruddy complexion, blue eyes, dark brown hair.

Conscripted into the 1st Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment, in Kingston, Ontario, on 19 April 1918 (number 3057863) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion in France on 10 or 11 October 1918 - wounded on 3 or 4 November 1918 - invalided to England on 11 November 1918.

Private George William Bowes

Born on 8 May 1892 in Cork, Ireland - brother of Miss Mary Bowes, Highgate, London, England - 1916 attestation form provides the following: present address in RR # 3 Shedden, Ontario, trade as section hand, single, no current or previous military service, Presbyterian, height of 5 feet 2 inches, chest of 37 inches fully expanded, ruddy complexion, blue eyes, auburn hair.

Joined the 91st Canadian Infantry Battalion in St. Thomas, Ontario, on 23 March 1916 (number 190102) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion in France on 20 or 21 August 1916 - wounded on 18 November 1916 - invalided to England on 24 November 1916.

Private Harold Edmond Bowerman

Born on 28 February 1894 in Picton, Ontario - son of Mrs. Jennie Bowerman, Toronto, Ontario - 1915 attestation form provides the following: trade as wholesale shipper, single, currently a member of the 49th Regiment in Trenton, Ontario, no previous military service, Wesleyan, height of 5 feet 6.5 inches, chest of 35.5 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, blue eyes, fair hair.

Joined the 38th Battalion in Ottawa, Ontario, on 27 March 1915 (number 410741) - taken on the strength of the 2nd Canadian Infantry Battalion in France on 25 August 1915 - wounded on 12 October 1915.

Sergeant Robert Stanley Bowden

Born on 2 May 1892 in Paddington, London, England - son of S. Bowden - husband of Hannah Maud Bowden, Stittsville, Ontario - 1915 attestation paper provides the following: trade as labourer, married, no current or previous military service, Church of England, height of 5 feet 11.5 inches, chest of 39 inches fully expanded, dark complexion, dark brown eyes, dark brown hair.

Joined the 38th Battalion in Ottawa, Ontario, on 26 February 1915 (number 410241) - served with the battalion during its period of garrison duty in Bermuda - landed in France with the battalion on 13 August 1916 - killed in action on 1 March 1917 - buried in Villers Station Cemetery (grave VII.D.21), France.

Private William Bourne

Born on 29 September 1895 in Birmingham, England - son of Mrs. Joyce Bourne, Westboro, Ontario - 1915 attestation paper provides the following: trade as bricklayer, single, no current or previous military service, Church of England, height of 5 feet 10.75 inches, chest of 35.5 inches fully expanded, fresh complexion, blue eyes, light brown hair.

Joined the 38th Battalion in Ottawa, Ontario, on 26 February 1915 (number 410369) - taken on the strength of the 2nd Canadian Infantry Battalion in France on 25 August 1915 - transferred to the Canadian Engineers on 9 March 1916 - transferred to the 16th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 18 July 1916.

Corporal Henry McQuarter Bourke

Born 14 March 1886 in Rathgar, Dublin, Ireland - son of Martha Bourke, Rathmines, Dublin, Ireland - 1915 attestation form provides the following: trade as accountant, single, no current military service, previously served four years with "C" Company, Queen's Own, Presbyterian, height of 5 feet 11.5 inches, chest of 32 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, brown eyes, brown hair.

Joined the 35th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Toronto, Ontario, on 19 April 1915 (number 405724) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion in France on 27 or 28 March 1918 - wounded on 3 September 1918 - invalided to England on 26 September 1918.

Private Charles Eric Boulden

Born on 12 April 1894 in Toronto, Ontario - next of kin listed as Mrs. C.J. Boulden, Winason, Nova Scotia - 1915 attestation paper provides the following: trade as agricultural student, single, currently a member of the Macdonald College contingent, Canadian Officers' Training Corps, no previous military service, Church of England, height of 5 feet 6.2 inches, chest of 38 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, blue eyes, light brown hair.

Joined the 38th Battalion in Montreal, Quebec, on 8 March 1915 (number 410937) - transferred to Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry in France on 17 July 1915 - transferred to The Royal Canadian Regiment on 26 June 1916 - wounded on 17 August 1916.

Thursday, 7 June 2007

Private William Boucklar

Born on 25 September 1888 in Matilda, Ontario - father of Ellen Boucklar, c/o K. Ferguson, Newington, Ontario - 1915 attestation form notes the following: present address in Newington, Ontario, trade as labourer, widower, no current or previous military service, Presbyterian, height of 5 feet 5 inches, chest of 36.75 inches, medium dark complexion, blue eyes, brown hair.

Joined the 154th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Cornwall, Ontario, on 1 November 1915 (number 633122) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion in France on 24 May 1917 - killed in action on 16 September 1917 - buried in Villers Station Cemetery (XI.A.15), France.

Corporal Albert George Bosworth

Born on 21 October 1884 in London, England - son of Albert Bosworth, London, England - 1916 attestation form notes the following: present address Ostrander PO, Ontario, trade as bricklayer, single, no current or previous military service, Church of England, height of 5 feet 3 inches, chest of 36 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, blue eyes, brown hair.

Joined the 168th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Tillsonburg, Ontario, on 3 February 1916 (number 675452) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion in France on 12 or 13 February 1917 - wounded on 9 April 1917 - invalided to England on 12 April 1917.

Private Thomas Henry Borris

Born on 21 May 1890 in Vankleek Hill, Ontario - son of Joseph Borris, Vankleek Hill, Ontario - 1918 recruitment form notes the following: present address in Vankleek Hill, Ontario, single, Roman Catholic, trade as farmer, no current or previous military service, height of 5 feet 10 inches, chest of 39.5 inches fully expanded, dark complexion, brown eyes, dark brown hair.

Conscripted into the 1st Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment, in Kingston, Ontario, on 5 March 1918 (number 3057088) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion in France on 10 or 11 October 1918 - struck off the strength of the battalion on 16 June 1919.

Private Vincent Borghette

Born on 5 June 1892 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - brother of Mrs. Vincent Imperatice, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - 1916 attestation form notes the following data: present address in Prescott, Ontario, trade as farmer, single, no current or previous military service, Roman Catholic, height of 5 feet 7 inches, chest of 39 inches fully expanded, ruddy complexion, brown eyes, dark brown hair.

Joined the 156th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 23 August 1916 (number 640210) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion in France on 24 May 1917 - wounded on 16 September 1917 - rejoined the 38th Battalion on 10 November 1917 - transferred to the Canadian Machine Gun Corps on 13 May 1918.

Saturday, 2 June 2007

Private Thomas Henry Booton

Born on 31 December 1896 in Worcestshire, England - son of Thomas Henry Booton, Martley, Worcestshire, England - 1916 attestation form provides the following: trade as farming, single, no current or previous military service, Church of England, height of 5 feet 4 inches, chest of 34.5 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, blue eyes, fair hair.

Joined the 130th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Perth, Ontario, on 4 January 1916 (number 787086) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion in France on 14 or 15 November 1916 - wounded on 9 April 1917 - invalided to England on 11 April 1917 - rejoined the 38th Battalion on 6 July 1917 - transferred to the Canadian Machine Gun Corps on 1 May 1918.

Private William Richard Booth

Born on 12 July 1897 in Burut River, Ontario - son of Henry Edward Booth, Burut River, Ontario - 1916 attestation form provides the following: present address in Burut River, trade as farmer, single, no current or previous military service, Methodist, height of 5 feet 9.5 inches, chest of 36.5 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, light brown eyes, brown hair.

Joined the 109th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Kinmount, Ontario, on 5 January 1916 (number 726048) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion in France on 4 or 6 December 1916 - wounded on 21 or 31 October 1917 - invalided to England on 8 November 1917.

Private John Bertrand Booth

Born on 22 August 1891 in Prescott, Ontario - son of Mrs. J.M. Skinner, Iroquois, Ontario - 1918 recruitment form notes the following: present address RR #1 Prescott, Ontario, single, Church of England, trade as farmer, no current or previous military service, height of 5 feet 7 inches, chest of 35 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, blue eyes, brown hair.

Conscripted into the 1st Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment, in Kingston, Ontario, on 9 January 1918 (number 3055793) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion in France on 9 or 10 August 1918 - wounded on 2 September 1918 - invalided to England on 12 September 1918.

Private Caspar Stuart Booth

Born on 22 January 1897 in Mallorytown, Ontario - son of Stuart M. Booth, RR #4 Mallorytown, Ontario - 1916 attestation form provides the following: trade as student, single, no current military service, previously served in the cadets, Presbyterian, height of 5 feet 9.25 inches, chest of 38.5 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, blue eyes, light brown hair.

Joined the 156th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Brockville, Ontario, on 3 February 1916 (number 639288) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion in France on 24 May 1917 - wounded on 27 March 1918 - rejoined the 38th Battalion on 13 August 1918 - wounded on 3 September 1918 - invalided to England on 7 September 1918.

Private Christopher Booth

Born on 20 November 1887 in Hanley, Staffordshire, England - husband of Mrs. Ann Booth, Ottawa, Ontario - attestation form from 1916 notes the following: present address in Ottawa, Ontario, trade as hotel baggage porter, married, no current or previous military service, Church of England, height of 5 feet 7.5 inches, chest of 35 inches fully expanded, medium complexion, grey eyes, light brown hair.

Joined the 207th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Ottawa, Ontario, on 23 May 1916 (number 246478) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion in France on 18 August 1918 - wounded on 29 September 1918 - invalided to England on 1 October 1918 - joined Section "B", Corps of Military Staff Clerks, CEF, in Ottawa, Ontario, on 15 July 1919 (number 246478).

Private Alfred Booth

Born on 25 April 1893 in Hanley, Staffordshire, England - son of Mrs. Eliza Booth, Hanley, Staffordshire, England - attestation from from 1915 provides the following: trade as club waiter, single, no current or previous military service, Church of England, height of 5 feet 5.5 inches, chest of 34.5 inches fully expanded, healthy complexion, blue eyes, brown hair.

Joined the 38th Battalion in Ottawa, Ontario, on 24 February 1915 (number 410029) - served with the battalion during its period of garrison duty in Bermuda - landed in France with the battalion on 13 August 1916 - wounded on 30 September 1918 - invalided to England on 8 October 1918.

Private William John Boomhower

Conscripted into the 1st Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment, on 14 May 1918 (number 3059462) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion in France on 10 or 11 October 1918 - died of sickness in France on 27 October 1918 - buried in Queant Road Cemetery (I.B.7), France.

Sergeant Percy Bonsor

Born on 21 July 1888 in London, England - son of Edward Joseph Bonsor, Donovan, Saskatchewan - enlistment papers from 1916 note the following: present address Donovan, Saskatchewan, trade as farmer, single, no current or previous military service, Presbyterian, height of 6 feet 1 inch, chest of 37 inches fully expanded, dark complexion, gray eyes, dark hair.

Joined the 212th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, on 13 April 1916 (number 261270) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion in France on 12 or 13 February 1917 - killed in action on 17 March 1917 - buried in Villers Station Cemetery, France.

Friday, 1 June 2007

Private John William Abraham

Born on 5 January 1894 in Acton, Ontario - son of James and Emma Abraham, Barrie, Ontario - at the time of his enlistment in 1915 he recorded the following information: present address in Barrie, Ontario, trimmer in a carriage factory, single, no current or previous military service, height of 5 feet 7 inches, chest of 35 inches fully expanded, 137 pounds, ruddy complexion, brown eyes, light brown hair, and a member of the Church of England.

Enlisted in the 157th Canadian Infantry Battalion in Barrie, Ontario, on 2 March 1916 (number 643567) - sailed from Canada onboard SS Cameronia on 17 October 1916 - arrived in England on 28 October 1916 - struck off the strength of the 157th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 8 December 1916 - taken on the strength of the 125th Canadian Infantry Battalion on 8 December 1916 - struck off the strength of the 125th Battalion on 27 March 1918 - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion in France on 28 March 1918 - departed for the Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp in the field on 30 March 1918 - joined the 38th Battalion in the field on 4 April 1918 - admitted to No. 13 Field Ambulance sick and with a scratch on the hand (gunshot wound) on 3 November 1918 - rejoined the 38th Battalion on 3 November 1918 - granted leave to England from 8 to 27 January 1919 - proceeded to England on 5 May 1919 - taken on the strength of "F" Wing, Canadian Concentration Camp, on 5 May 1919 - embarked for Canada onboard SS Olympic on 6 June 1919 - arrived in Halifax on 12 June 1919 - discharged in Ottawa, Ontario, on 16 June 1919.

Sergeant Samuel William Abel, MM

Born on 22 August 1894 in Kent, England - husband of Kathleen Ann Abel, St. Thomas, Ontario - at the time of his enlistment in 1915 he provided the following information: present address in St. Thomas, Ontario, florist, married with one child, no current military service, formerly served one year with the 25th Regiment, height of 5 feet 5.25 inches, chest of 34 inches fully expanded, dark complexion, brown eyes, black hair, and a member of the Church of England.

Joined the 91st Canadian Infantry Battalion in St. Thomas, Ontario, on 29 November 1915 (number 189543) - sailed from Halifax, Nova Scotia, onboard SS Olympic on 28 June 1916 - arrived in England on 6 July 1916 - taken on the strength of the 36th Reserve Battalion on 15 July 1916 - struck off the strength of the 36th Battalion on 20 August 1916 - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion in France on 21 August 1916 - transferred to No. 23 Casualty Clearing Station with trench fever on 2 April 1917 - invalided to England and sent to Eastern Ontario Regimental Depot on 11 April 1917 - admitted to 3rd West General Hospital on 17 April 1917 - taken on strength of the Eastern Ontario Regimental Depot on 17 April 1917 - transferred to Canadian Convalescent Hospital on 12 May 1917 - discharged from hospital on 22 May 1917 - struck off the strength of the Eastern Ontario Regimental Depot on 25 May 1917 - taken on the strength of 7th Reserve Battalion on 25 May 1917 - struck off the strength of 7th Battalion on 5 July 1917 - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion on 5 July 1917 - departed for 4th Entrenching Battalion on 21 July 1917 - joined the 4th Entrenching Battalion in the field on 23 July 1917 - sent to the Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp on 15 September 1917 - sent to the 38th Battalion on 2 November 1917 - rejoined the 38th Battalion in the field on 7 November 1917 - granted leave from 6 to 22 March 1918 - promoted to Lance-Corporal on 28 May 1918 - promoted to Corporal on 1 August 1918 - promoted to Sergeant on 1 September 1918 - sent to Eastern Ontario Regimental Depot and placed on command of 1st Reserve Battalion for Officer Training Course on 30 October 1918 - ceased to be attached to 1st Reserve Battalion on 26 November 1918 - transferred to 6th Reserve Battalion on 26 November 1918 - struck off the strength of 6th Reserve Battalion on 6 January 1919 - taken on the strength of No. 3 Reg. Dep. Group on 6 January 1919 - embarked for Canada on SS Grampian on 24 January 1919 - taken on the strength of No. 1 District Depot on 24 January 1919 - arrived Saint John, New Brunswick, on 2 February 1919 - posted to Cas. Company on 4 February 1919 - discharged in London, Ontario, on 21 February 1919 because of demobilization.

Awarded the Military Medal (awarded by Corps Order 11 September 1918; announced by London Gazette 31142, 24 January 1919) - no citation - unit recommendation dated 15 August 1918: "For devotion to duty during operations between Haugard and Hallu from 8th to 12th Aug. 1918."

(sources: Library and Archives Canada, personnel file, Abel, Samuel William; Library and Archives Canada, Honours and Awards Citation Cards, via; The London Gazette, 6th Supplement to No.31142, 24 January 1919, p.1236; Canadian War Museum, 19740281-001, Manu 58F 2 3, 207th Canadian Infantry Battalion and 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion, Nominal Roll; The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa Regimental Museum, A400-0007, Master Personnel List for the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force; Canadian War Museum, 19680229-001, Manu 58C 1 2.18, Honours and Awards, 38th Battalion (Records of recommendations for honours and awards and mentioned in dispatches 19161121 19190117))

Private Ingvar Aasen

Born on 15 January 1893 in Stekgya, Norway - son of Martin Aasen, Stekgya, Norway - at the time of his conscription in 1918 he gave the following information: present address in Instow, Saskatchewan, single, a farmer, Lutheran, no current or previous military service, height of 5 feet 8 inches, chest 34 inches fully expanded, 140 pounds, fair complexion, blue eyes, and fair hair.

Conscripted into the 1st Depot Battalion, Saskatchewan Regiment, in Regina, Saskatchewan, on 3 January 1918 (number 256355) - sailed from Halifax, Nova Scotia, onboard SS Saxonia on 18 February 1918 - arrived in Liverpool, England, on 4 March 1918 - taken on the strength of the 15th Reserve Battalion on 4 March 1918 - struck off the strength of the 15th Reserve Battalion on 5 September 1918 - taken on the strength of the 28th Canadian Infantry Battalion in France on 7 September 1918 - arrived at the 28th Battalion on 9 September 1918 - struck off the strength of the 28th Battalion on 21 September 1918 - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion on 22 September 1918 - wounded with a gunshot wound to the buttock and admitted to No. 2 Stationary Hospital on 28 September 1918 - invalided to England and posted to the Eastern Ontario Regimental Depot on 30 September 1918 - admitted to Queen Mary's Military Hospital on 3 October 1918 - transferred to Princess Patricia's Red Cross Hospital on 10 December 1918 - posted to the 6th Reserve Battalion on 17 December 1918 - placed on command of Kinmel Park camp on 12 December 1918 - struck off strength of Kinmel Park camp on 18 January 1919 - embarked in Liverpool onboard SS Aquitania on 18 January 1919 - disembarked in Halifax on 24 January 1919 - discharged in Regina on 19 February 1919 as a result of demobilization.