Thursday 3 February 2011

Captain William Blight Megloughlin, MC

Born on 21 February 1892 in Toronto, Ontario - husband of Isa Ruby Megloughlin, Ottawa, Ontario - at the time of his enlistment in 1915: trade as lumber salesman; married; currently a member of the Active Militia; no previous military service; Presbyterian; height of 6 feet 0 inches; chest of 39 inches fully expanded; dark complexion; blue eyes; dark brown hair.

Joined the 38th Battalion, CEF, in Ottawa, Ontario, as a Captain on 8 February 1915 - served with the 38th Battalion during its period of garrison duty in Bermuda - landed in France with the 38th Battalion on 13 August 1916 - wounded on 3 May 1918 - rejoined the 38th Battalion on 22 June 1918 - wounded on 2 September 1918 - invalided to England on 5 September 1918.

Awarded the Military Cross - official citation: "For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty as battalion transport officer. When his pack train came under heavy bombardment of gas and other shells, though himself badly affected by gas and concussion, he continued to withdraw them from the shelled area. He then returned and helped the wounded, later making a detour through almost impassable ground and getting his supplies forward. On the following night, though still suffering from gas, he insisted on going forward with his pack train." - unit recommendation dated 6 November 1917: "During operations Oct. 29th to Nov. 2/17 this Officer personally took charge of the ration pack train each night even after suffering from effects of gas poisoning and concussion. The train each night was heavily shelled but not once did they fail to carry the rations through to Hdqrs. dump."

Appointed commanding officer of The Ottawa Highlanders as a Lieutenant-Colonel on 1 June 1927 - resigned as commanding officer on 31 May 1932.

(sources: Library and Archives Canada (, online attestation papers; Canadian War Museum, 19740281-001, Manu 58F 2 3, 207th Canadian Infantry Battalion and 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion, Nominal Roll; The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa Regimental Museum, A400-0007, Master Personnel List for the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force; Canadian War Museum, 19680229-001, Manu 58C 1 2.18, Honours and Awards, 38th Battalion (Records of recommendations for honours and awards and mentioned in dispatches 19161121 19190117))

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