Monday 15 June 2009

Private William Grant

Born on 29 September 1886 in Glasgow, Scotland - son of William Grant, County Antrim, Ireland - at the time of his enlistment in 1916: present address in Toronto, Ontario, trade as wool finisher, single, no current or previous military service, Presbyterian, height of 5 feet 3.75 inches, chest of 35 inches fully expanded, fair complexion, blue eyes, fair hair.

Joined the 204th Battalion, CEF, in Toronto, Ontario, on 15 May 1916 (number 237820) - taken on the strength of the 38th Battalion, CEF, on 27 or 28 March 1918 - wounded on 29 or 30 September 1918 - rejoined the 38th Battalion on 12 October 1918 - struck off the strength of the 38th Battalion on 16 June 1919.

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